Wednesday, 21 October 2009

Blue Peter Kicks off it’s appeal

CBBC show Blue Peter are launching their new appeal which will help children in India born with a cleft which is a gap in their lip or the roof of their mouth. Although they are very common they are also easy to cure but that’s where Blue peter will help. The appeal asks for people to send in old clothes. The old clothes can be made into gowns for the children to wear while being treated. This will save money that can be spent so more kids can be treated.



Pop band The Saturdays have got involved too. You can decorate the gowns as each gown costs £3 and an operation costs £150. There are places round the country to drop them off, for example in your local PC world store. For every fifty gowns sent in, one more child can be treated. There will be events happening around the UK for you to come to decorate and customize the Clothes although it’s mainly T-shirts that they want.

Blue Peter have teamed up with Operation Smile who are a non-profit medical service organization based in Norfolk, Virginia in the US but still help people with cleft lips and palates. So far they have performed surgery to get rid of clefts on over 100,000 children and young adults in 30 different countries. So they are a very good thing to raise money for.

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