Saturday, 14 November 2009

Disney fights over Winnie-the-Pooh royalties

A company founded by the man who had worked with creator of Winnie-the-Pooh is taking Disney to court. This is because they want to get some apparently unpaid royalties. Stephen Slesinger who had come up with the idea of the red t-shirt for the bear had been allowed by a federal judge to sue Disney for royalties. A spokesman said that Disney owed a lot of money. Stephen had purchased the distribution rights for the US and Canada from A.A Milne in 1931. Eight years after Slessingers death in 1961 Disney got the rights that meant that they could films, TV series and toys.

Eric George who was a lawyer for Stephen said that that Disney owed his family 1.5% to 2.5% in royalties. Disney has said that the latest legal action is "baffling". Judge Florence-Marie Cooper made a decision on 25th September that rejected Slessingers company's claims. We still don't know the full outcome of this case but when we do we will hopefully be doing an update on the blog so watch out for it!

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